
Thank you for your support during the 2023/24 season

This past season has been a season of change, both on the ice and behind the bench. It saw the guys on the ice battle week in and week out to secure a top 8 finish. Whilst it didn’t end how we had hoped, you’ve joined us every step of the way.

As the season comes to a close, we want to thank our amazing fans for not only supporting us through the good times, but also through the tough times. For showing up, cheering us on and helping us push through.

To our generous sponsors and partners your backing is invaluable to us and makes a difference both on and off the ice.

A huge thank-you also goes to our many volunteers. Without your hard work and dedication each week, none of this would be possible.

Thank you all for your support throughout the 23-24 season. As our attention turns to building for the 24-25 season, keep your eye on our socials for information and updates and we look forward to welcoming you all back in September.